Project Summary


Micro Electroporation Chip for DNA transfer and Drug delivery    

Electroporation, which is a process to create ‘nanopores’ in the cell membrane for DNA or other biomolecules to enter the biological cells under the externally applied electric field, is one of most commonly used methods in biotechnology for gene therapy, drug development and so on. Miniaturization of the electroporation machine into a microchip can reduce the opeation voltage from thousands of volts to several volts. Besides, it can be used to make an array of micro electroporation cells on a chip to optimize the process parameters in very short period of time.

Optical micrograph of the chip, 30 X 30µm

Selected publication:

Fan Yang, Huiqi He, D.C. Chang and Y.K. Lee, "Parametric Study of Pulsed Radio-Frequency Electroporation on 
Microchip at the Single-cell Level," accepted by Micro TAS 2004, Malmo in May 2004



Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong

Microelectromechanical System Group
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