Professor YK Lee’s MEMS/NEMS Group

Laboratories --- Our Laboratories at HKUST

Manufacturing Laboratories, HKUST

Location : Room 4225 HKUST

List of equipments:

SCS 2010 Labcoater for parylene thin film deposition, Standard Operation Procedure (SOP)

Olympus IX70 inverted epi-fluorescence microscope

JNOEC XS 420 upright fluorescence microscope

AirClean AC632 BSCI ductless fume hood

Qimaging Retiga 1300 CCD

Cohu 4910 video CCD camera, mono

World Precision Instruments SP200i digital syringe pump

Hioki #3522-50 LCR meter

Stanford Research Systems Inc PS 310 high-voltage power supply

Eppendorf BioPhotometer for concentration measurment of ssDNA, dsDNA, protein, bacterial cell density

ICCD-350F Intensified CCD Camera

PCI-1409 video capture card

Millipore Academic Milli-Q Water Purification System
