Dynamics of Single DNA Molecule in Multi-stream Microchannel
Single DNA dynamics, including the entropic elasticity, relaxation time and conformation change from random coil to stretched state, has been studied by various methods including laser optical tweezer (S. Chu, Stanford), magnetic particles, optical mapping, etc. This project use a multi-stream microchannel fabricated by silicon deep RIE and anodic bonding methods to study dynamics of single DNA molecule.
The videoclip of the relaxation of single T4 DNA molecule (YOYO-1 stained) in a microchannel (video enhanced by the inversion of Black & White )
(Click to download)
Figure 1: a multi-stream microchannel for hydrodynamic focusing to produce near extensional flow for single DNA dynamic study.
Figure 2: Relaxation of a T2 DNA molecule after hydrodynamic stretching. Each DNA picture is separated by 2.5 sec (Left to right).
Figure 3: Comparison of fluid strain rate by PIV measurement and CFD simulation at different flow rate.
Figure 4: Reduction of length of T2 DNA molecule during relaxation.
Selected publication:
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