Professor Yi-Kuen Lee's MEMS/NEMS Group

Project --- The Latest Projects from the lab

MEMS related E-journals

Journal of Microelectromechanical System, ASME/IEEE, New York, USA; W. Trimmer's JMEMS, 1992~

Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Institute of Physics, UK, 1991~

Microsystem technologies : sensors, actuators, sys. integration, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 1994~

Sensors and Actuators. A, Physical, Elsevier, Switzerland, 1990~,  Sensors and Actuators, 1981~

Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, Elsevier, Switzerland, 1990~

Applied Physics Letters, American Institute of Physics, 1962~

Journal of Micromechatronics, Springer, 2000~

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 1964~

Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer, 2004~

Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 1997~

Biomicrofluidics, American Institute of Physics, USA, 2007~

Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems, SPIE, 2002~

Microfluidics, Wikipedia: good reference about microfluidics

MST News, Germany (Bi-monthly magazine)

MEMS guide in ElectronicTalk (MEMS news)

Small Times (MEMS and Nano news)

Micronews, the Yole Development magazine for MEMS, Nanotech; Micronews (Japanese),

Nikkei Microdevice/Semicon/FPD, China   Nikkeo Microdevice, Japan

Nano-MEMS Database, STPI, Taiwan

Prestigious E-journals

Science Magazine 1995~current

JSTOR Science 1880~1997 via JSTOR

Nature Magazine 1987~currentNature Asia

Nature Biotechnology 1998~current

Genome Research, Cold Spring Harbor Lab , NY , USA , 1995~current (PubMed), (Highwire)

Molecular Cell Biology (H. Lodish et al) - online book in NCBI

Bio-MEMS/Micro TAS/Lab on Chip related E-journals

Analytical Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Washington, USA

Biomedical Microdevices, Kluwer, USA

Lab on a chip, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK 

Micro TAS, Virtual Journal, Elsevier, Switzerland, 2001~

Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Elsevier, 1995~ (e-paper)

Electrophoresis, Verlag Chemie , Germany

Biopolymer, 1963-1995

System Biology Journals

Molecular System Biology, EMBO/Nature Publishing Group, 2005~

BMC Systems Biology, BioMed Central, 2007~

Systems and Synthetic Biology, Springer, 2007~

IET Systems Biology, IET, UK, 2007~

IEE Proceeding of Systmes Biology, IET, UK, 2004~

Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling, BioMed Central, 2004~

EURASIP Journal of Bioinformatics and System Biology, Hindawi Publication Corp.

Gene Regulation and Systems Biology, Libertas Academica, New Zealand, 2007~

Plant Genomes and System Biology, Libertas Academica, New Zealand, 2007~

Fluid Mechanics and Physics Journals

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, QA901 .J87, 1956~

Physics of Fluid, American Institute of Physics , New York , USA , 1958~

Physical Review Letter, American Physical Society, 1958~

Physical Review E, (PRA) American Institute of Physics , 1993~

Applied Physics Letter, American Institute of Physics, 1962~

Heat Transfer Journals

Microscale thermophysical engineering, Taylor & Francis, Washington DC, USA, 1997~

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Oxford, UK, 1960~

Journal of Heat Transfer, ASME, USA, 1959~

Nanotechnology Journals

IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2002~

Nanotechnology, Institute of Physics, UK, 1990~

Nano letters, American Chemical Society, USA, 2001~

Nature Nanotechnology, New York, 2006~

Physica. E, Low-dimensional systems & nanostructures, Elsevier Science, Netherlands, 1997~

Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2003-, Biomed Central , UK

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Stevenson Ranch, CA : American Scientific Publishers, Q1. J68, 2001-

Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, Taylor & Francis

Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Springer

Virtual Journal of Nanoscience and Technology 

Open Nanoscience Journal, Bentham Science Publisher

Nanotech brief, American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Small wonders, endless frontiers: a review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative / Committee for the Review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council

Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2004

Frequently Used Online Databases/Websites

Web of Science: Science Citation database, Web of Science, ArizonaISI Tools (Impact Factor, etc), IMechanics ranking 

Google Scholar

Online Library, University of Arizona, Tucson          UCLA Lib,   HKUST NetLibrary

IEEE Explore (1988~current)

INSPEC (1969~current)

SCOPUS (cover EI Compendex Plus, 1966~current)

Medline (1966~current), NIH Medline (Pubmed) , Xpatterns for Pubmed

SCIRUS: search engine for scientific information

Wanfang Data Info Site,

ProQuest Digital Dissertations (1861~current); Electronic Thesis & Dissertation System, Taiwan

LexisNexis US Patent Database (1971~current);   Derwent World Patent Index (DWPI) at CityU, HKU, Xpatterns for Patents

US Patent Office Database, European Patent Office & Euro Patent Database, IPDL Japan Patent database, NCIPI Japan Patent

Delphion US Patent Database

Digital library of MIT thesis and online papers

Knovel online database for Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering

Handbook of Mathmatical Functions, M. Abramowitz and I.A. Stegun, Dover Publications, Knovel online version

NIST Reference on Constants, Units and Uncertainty

Journal Abbreviation Database for Paper Writing   Journal Title Abbreviation sites in iastate, ISI

IEEE Citation Style for Reference listed in papers; The Chicago Manual of Style

G.M. Whitesides, Whiteside's Group: Writing a Paper, Advanced Materials, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp.1375-1377, 2004

World Lecture Hall, U. of Texas at Austin , USA ; MIT Open CourseWare; China CORE, U. of Tokyo OpenCourse

Deutsche Welle TV (DW TV) video on demand: Tomorrow Today

Data Analysis, Error Analysis in Experiments, U. of Toronto , Canada

South China Morning Post, English newspaper in Hong Kong: HKUST subscription via LexisNexis

Online Dictionary

Merriam-Webster online dictionary

1913 Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary

Cambridge dictionary online

Oxford Reference Online

Newbury House Dictionary of American English

OneLook online dictionary

HKUST Self-Access Center for EnglishCommon Errors in English

Biotechnology Glossary, GeneEd, Glossary of Biochem & Molecular Biology, Biotech abbreviation, Molecular Marker Glossary

Semiconductor Glossary (SEMATECH Official Dictionary) 

Japanese online dictionary: goo


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