Micro Electroporation and Micro Electric Cell Lysing Chip Technology
Electroporation, which is a process to create anopores?in the cell membrane for DNA or other biomolecules to enter the biological cells under the externally applied electric field, is one of most commonly used methods in biotechnology for gene therapy, drug development and so on. Miniaturization of the electroporation machine into a microchip can reduce the operation voltage from thousands of volts to several volts. Besides, it can be used to make an array of micro electroporation cells on a chip to optimize the process parameters in very short period of time.
micrograph of the chip, 30 X 30
Fabricated Device
Time Evolution of PI Transport Across a HeLa cell on micro EP chip
Loading Large Molecules on Chip
Expression pEGFP-N1 in suspended HeLa cells
Recent publications
1. Fan Yang, Huiqi He, D.C. Chang and Y.-K. Lee, "Parametric Study of Pulsed Radio-Frequency Electroporation on Microchip at the Single-cell Level," MicroTAS 2004, Vol.2, pp.79-81, Malm Sweden, Sep 26-30, 2004.
2. Huiqi He, D. C. Chang and Y.-K. Lee, "Micro Pulsed Radio-Frequency Electroporation Chips," Bioelectrochemistry, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp.89-97, 2006.
3. Huiqi He, D.C. Chang and Y.-K. Lee, "Large-Scale Parametric Study of Electroporation in Cancer Cells to Construct Phase Diagrams Using Micro Cell-Array Chips, " MicroTAS 2005, Boston, MA, USA, pp. 382-384, Oct 9-13, 2005.
4. Huiqi He, D.C. Chang and Y.-K. Lee, "Using a Micro Electroporation Chip to Determine the Optimal Physical Parameters in the Uptake of Biomolecules in HeLa Cells," Bioelectrochemistry, Vol. 71, No. pp.80-85, 2006.
5. Huiqi He, Y.-K. Lee and D.C. Chang, "Molecular Size Effect on Micro Electroporation by Using Microchip with a Three-dimensional Electrode Array," MicroTAS 2006, Tokyo, Japan, Nov 5-9, pp.28-30, 2006.
Biotechnology: transgenic animal, transgenic plant, etc.
Medical field: electroporation therapy (EPT) of some caners
Environmental engineering: microbial inactivation in water (bacterial decontamination, sterilization), biofouling of cooling water systems
Donald C. Chang, Electroporation and Electrofusion. In: Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine. Ed., by R.A. Meyers, Wiley-VCH Publishers, Weinheim, Germany, Vol. 4, pp.135-157.
Donald C. Chang, et al., ed., Guide to Electroporation and Electrofusion, Academic Press, San Diego, 1992 (HKUST Library: QH585.5.E48 G85)
Relevant biotech companies
BTX Instrument Div, Harvard Apparatus Inc (BTX acquired by Harvard).
Gene Therapy, the Oak Ridge National Lab, USA
Relevant journals
Bioelectrochemistry (Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics), Elsevier Science, Switzerland
Cancer Gene Therapy, the publisher of Nature, UK.
Gene Therapy, the publisher of Nature, UK.
Current Gene Therapy, Bentham Science Publisher.
Human Gene Therapy, Mary Anne Liebert, Inc.
The Journal of Gene Medicine, European Society of Gene Therapy (ESGT), Japan Society of Gene Therapy and Australasian Gene Therapy Society
Molecular Therapy, American Society of Gene Therapy